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& Growth Advisory

Our strategic research and consulting deliverable are designed to provide
comprehensive information and strategic insights to our clients enabling
them to achieve business transformation goals.



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Blog & insights


TechTalk Series

Our strategic research and consulting deliverable are designed
to provide comprehensive information and strategic insights to
our clients enabling them to achieve business transformation goals.


The major technology disruptions to look for in 2022 & beyond

Our strategic research and consulting deliverable are designed to provide comprehensive information and strategic insights to our clients enabling them to achieve business transformation goals.


TechTalk Series

Our strategic research and consulting deliverable are designed
to provide comprehensive information and strategic insights to
our clients enabling them to achieve business transformation goals.

Competitive Intelligence

warehouse Automation

Digital Transformation

Case Study Cloud-Native Solutions HCL Software is an Indian multinational ICT company. It mainly develops, sells and supports in areas of Customer Experience, Digital Solutions, Secure DevOps, Security

Competitive Intelligence

Amazon’s Bezos to Face Unprecedented Protests During India Trip

Promise scholarships cover up to full college tuition for students who’ve attended New Haven Public Schools during some or all of their K-12 years, and the organization also provides scholarship recipients with advice, mentorship, career skill workshops, and connections to paid summer internships in New Haven — many of which are based at Yale.
Strategic Performance Assessment & Ranking

Getting eyeballs on your website is crucial for generating new leads and selling products. But if you’re anything like I was 5 years ago, marketing can feel super intangible. And consistent new traffic? Well, somewhat ethereal. “That stuff is for the high-paid consultants who we could never afford”.

Well yes, marketing is an interesting animal. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be understood. Here’s my operating principal:

Try something out (a marketing strategy) with a little bit of time and cash. If it works, keep increasing your investment. Keep nurturing the winners and ditch the losers.

Ok, so with this principle in mind, here are 4 simple ways to start marketing your company. 4 ways to get your feet wet.

Option 1: Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

Goodness, are you serious? Paying for people to click on an ad so they’ll come to our website? Isn’t that just burning cash? Does PPC really work?

Well, it depends a bit on your industry. For some companies, PPC can be a great strategy to get fresh eyeballs on their website almost immediately. Contrast this with search engine optimization (SEO) that generally can take 6-12 months before you start seeing results.

Contrast this with search engine optimization (SEO) that generally can take 6-12 months before you start seeing results.

Option 2: Referral Partnerships

Here’s one that’s pretty easy to grab onto. Find other companies that share a similar customer base with you. Reach out to them and see if there could be opportunities to refer out to each other. Do great work each time and you’ll find that the referral partner is more open and eager to send clients to your website.

Seem like a lot of work? Referral agreements, commission structures, constant communication with another company? Sloooooow down Nelly! Remember, our goal here is to get our feet wet with these marketing opportunities. Instead of asking for marriage, just ask the other company if they’d keep you in mind for a test project.

Stressing about referral terms and the like is pretty fruitless if the relationship doesn’t go anywhere.

Focus on starter project where you can prove yourself to your potential referral partner. Then if it works? You guessed it… keep investing!

Believe me. The moment you have a real sales call from a client that visited your website due to a referral partner, you’ll be ecstatic. Who knows, maybe you’ll even become a believer in marketing.

Familiarize Yourself With the Basics

I won’t go into huge detail here, but these are essentially the fundamentals for SEO:


Your biggest liability in all of this is doing nothing. If you’re not investing time and energy trying things out then you aren’t learning. And that’s the goal, right?